KoreaShop24 > Company : AimBe lab

Company : AimBe lab

Country : South Korea

President : Go Byungsoo

Introduction : We are developing livestock management A.I. solutions for livestock farms and feed companies.
To achieve our goals, the team is composed of experienced experts.
Based on our potential and competency, we are currently under the process of acceleration from a prominent Korean Vencher Capital and Korean government.

Products by " AimBe lab "

Main Items

Product Name Description
Feed ERP As a device that measures the internal information of livestock feed bins, it measures and analyzes data such as the amount of remaining feed and consumption patterns As a result, livestock farmers can receive support for decision-making based on data analysis on the remaining amount of feed and feeding status, and the timing and amount of additional orders. Feed companies can also be used as ERP for enterprise resource management and efficient delivery by monitoring their farms in real time, reducing shipping costs and improving work efficiency.

Meeting Schedule of Company in India

10:45 AM - 16:10 PM


191, Shahpur Jat, Siri Fort, New Delhi,110049.

Need help

+91 1141660225
  • Monday-Friday :9:00 - 17:30
  • Saturday :11:00 - 15:00
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