KoreaShop24 > Company : Bodyfriend

Company : Bodyfriend

Country : South Korea

Introduction : A global healthcare company that aims to design your life.
Our mission is to extend the ‘Healthy Life Year’ of our customers by 10 years.
We have introduced and patented various innovative technologies of our time and received numerous awards from renowned institutions.
Each of our product displays exceptional design excellence combined with top of the line user experience.

Products by "Bodyfriend "

Main Items

Product Name Description
DAVINCI DAVINCI is designed to check User's current fat, musccle, bone mass and provide personalized service based on user's current BIA status. Without any inconvenience, your body composition is automatically measured while you enjoy daily massage. and through optained BIA status data DaVinci not only helps with early diagnosis of sarcopenia and osteoporosis, but also provides follow ups including reommended diet, and excersise therapy.

- LED embedded arm massager
- 10"" full touch LCD display
- Outstanding design from
- ITAL Design collaboration
Elizabeth Medical A product that allows you to measure & manage blood pressure while receiving massage.

- 270encircle type blood pressure monitor
- Blood pressure treatment massage
- Blood pressure management through App
PHANTOM Medical A medical device developed to treat neck and lumbar pain, cervical disc herniation and more. Phantom Medical is a medical massage device designed to reduce disc pressure and reduce neck pain by making the neck C-shaped.

- PEMF for pain relief
- Providing psychiatric treatment
- Spine relaxtion program according to user's body shape

Meeting Schedule of Company in India

10:45 AM - 16:10 PM


191, Shahpur Jat, Siri Fort, New Delhi,110049.

Need help

+91 1141660225
  • Monday-Friday :9:00 - 17:30
  • Saturday :11:00 - 15:00
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