KoreaShop24 > Products > Decaffeinated black barley coffee drip bag (10g each, total 6)

Decaffeinated black barley coffee drip bag (10g each, total 6)

Sold By : KoreaShop24 Category:

BY : Chungmec Co., Ltd.

Category Food & Beverage
Keyword coffee beans (imported), black barley (barley coffee beans(domestic))
FOB Price US$ 3.5(FOB)
Weight 60
Place of Origin South Korea
MOQ 2,000Packs
EXP.Date(If Food) 1 year from the manufacturing date, room temperature storage


Black barely coffee is made of decaffeinated coffee beans and black barley coffee beans.

A cup of black barley coffee drip bag contains about 0.1%, approximately 1.3mg of caffeine. It contains the super food black barley, which is rich in β-carotene, dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin and minerals.


Additional information


Food & Beverage


coffee beans (imported), black barley (barley coffee beans(domestic))

HS Code

Place of Origin

South Korea

Company Info

Country South Korea
President Kim Jae Joo
Year Established 2007
No. of Employees
  • Chungmec Co., Ltd is an agricultural-based food company that grows, manufactures and
    sells color barley with local farmers based on the functionality of color barley (black, blue barely, barley, violet barley and etc.) rich in minerals and dietary fiber.
  • Since the establishment, starting with the first processing of color barley, the company currently produces 3-colored barley rice, 5-colored barley rice, whole grain powder/whole grain powder plus,barley coffee and etc. under thorough management based on GAP facilities and producers certification, environment-friendly agricultural product transactor certification and organic processed food certification.
  • It is a agricultural food company that has been developing gradually with achievements such as winning grand prize at Mutual Cooperation Contest, Beloved Company of Republic of Korea Award and Prime Minister Award at Agricultural Science and Technology Award, through positive evaluation of its contribution to preserving farm income by operating a continuous and organic contract cultivation and purchase system with local farmers.
Main Markets South Korea
Main Products Food & Beverage


Head Quarter: Klolink Co., Ltd.


603, Pangyo Innovation Valley, 253, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
Overseas Network
Koindo Trading Pvt., Ltd, 191, 1st Floor Shahpur Jat, New Delhi, India, 110049
KTE Trading Co., Ltd, 986,988 Srinakarin Rd, Pattanakarn , Suanluang , Bangkok 10250
KORIKART (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD. SSN Center Building, No.66, Unit #03-04 ( Room 303) 3rd Floor, Norodom Boulevard (41), Phum 9, Sangkat Chey Chumneah, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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+82 (0)70 8064 4294
  • Monday-Friday :9:00 - 17:30
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